Tests by Name

The Bank Customer Service Survey measures customer service aptitude in candidates:
- Cross Selling
- Complaint Handling
- Friendliness
Includes customized supervisory suggestions, employee feedback, and self-guided developmental suggestions.
For customer contact positions in banks and financial institutions.

The COIN TEST measures:
- Understanding of U.S. currency
- Ability to handle money accurately
- Problem solving under pressure
Customized for these industries:
- General retail
- Convenience stores
- Grocery stores
- Restaurants
- Drug stores
For hourly positions.

The Customer Service Questionnaire measures customer service aptitude in candidates:
- Cross selling orientation
- Complaint handling
- Friendliness
Includes customized supervisory suggestions, employee feedback, and self-guided developmental suggestions.
For call centers, hospitality, internal or external customer service positions.

The General Information Appraisal measures:
- General knowledge
- Attention to detail
- Problem solving under pressure
Normed for hourly and management positions.
For use in all positions for which practical intelligence is required.

The Industrial Applicant Survey measures key attitudes:
- Integrity
- Substance abuse on the job
- Temper control
- Attendance
- Punctuality
- Initiative
- Reaction to authority
For hourly positions in industrial and manufacturing companies.

The Job Applicant Survey measures key attitudes:
- Integrity
- Substance abuse on the job
- Temper control
- Attendance
- Punctuality
- Initiative
- Reaction to authority
- Customer helpfulness
- Calmness with customers
- Sales orientation
For hourly positions in retail and customer contact positions.

The Management Potential Assessment is a full-personality assessment with results in five key behavioral clusters:
- Work Style
- Management Style
- Dealing with People
- Problem Solving
- Mental Toughness
Includes customized interview suggestions, long-term coaching suggestions, and guided self-development.

The Member Service Survey Credit Unions measures member service aptitude in candidates:
- Cross selling orientation
- Complaint handling
- Friendliness
Includes customized supervisory suggestions, employee feedback, and self-guided developmental suggestions.
For customer contact positions in credit unions.

The Performance Profile Assessment is a full-personality assessment with results in six key areas:
- Professional review and recommendations
- Work Style
- Management Style
- Dealing with People
- Problem Solving
- Mental Toughness
Includes customized interview suggestions, long-term coaching strategies, and guided self-development
For any position with significant impact on the company.

The RELY TESTS measure key work ethic attitudes:
- Attendance
- Punctuality
- Initiative
Free RELY-Ability training is included. Customized versions for these industries:
- Bank RELY
- Quik-RELY
- RELY-Plus
For hourly candidates in all industries.

The TELLER TEST measures:
- Ability to think logically
- Ability to learn
- Understanding of U.S. currency
- Ability to solve problems
For teller positions in banks, credit unions, and financial institutions.

The Universal Banking Assessment measures:
- Practical intelligence
- Customer service potential
- Cross selling orientation
- Handling complaints and problems
Includes customized supervisory suggestions, employee feedback, and self-guided developmental suggestions.
For universal or concierge positions in banks, credit unions, and financial institutions.

The Work Attitude Questionnaire measures key risk-related attitudes:
- Integrity
- Substance abuse on the job
- Temper control
- Respect for others on the job
Includes follow-up interview suggestions, details about risk-related results, and targeted training for workplace integrity.