Do you hire entry-level or semi-skilled industrial workers?  Have you found that you hire  employees for their basic skills, and then you have to deal with poor attitudes about how to work?  Do you need to know what attitudes about working that your new employees bring to the job?

The Industrial Applicant Survey measures attitudes about work-related risk areas and work ethic, and working with supervisors. The Industrial Applicant Survey is effective for understanding the job-relevant attitudes that employees bring with them to the job, and this understanding lets you save money by avoiding new-hires who are at high risk to turn over soon, as well as helping you know what specific training new employees need in order to succeed.

The Industrial Applicant Survey measures attitudes in these job-relevant areas:

Risk Areas:

  • Employee theft of company property
  • Drug use that would affect work performance
  • Temper control on the job

Work Ethic:

  • Showing up as scheduled
  • Being on time
  • Willingness to do what needs to be done
  • Attitude toward supervisors and supervision


  • Reduce Turnover

The Industrial Applicant Survey measures attitudes in the work areas that contribute most to turnover in entry-level jobs

  • Standardize Hiring Decisions

The Industrial Applicant Survey uses objective measurement of attitudes in job-relevant areas, and the Results Report includes suggestions for follow-up interviews questions to probe questionable attitudes

  • Easy to Use

Industrial Applicant Survey is administered over the Internet and it takes less than 15 minutes to complete – 15 minutes of the applicant’s time!  The test-taker can choose the language he or she is most comfortable taking the test, English or Spanish.

  • Fast Results

Results are emailed to your designated recipients within minutes of the completion of each Industrial Applicant Survey

  • FREE TRAINING for new employees!

You can choose to participate in our free work attitude training program! Use “The Path: Seven Steps to Success” to build your employee orientation program. “The Path” is a self-administered, positively-oriented, and brief online workbook that educates new employees about integrity, mental and physical alertness on the job, reliability, punctuality, and working under supervision. It concludes with a Work Pledge that the new employee signs to signify his or her commitment to the job.


The Industrial Applicant Survey Results Report presents overall results in the risk and attitude areas and, even more important, the Results Report explains what each result means and what to do with those results. Questions that have been answered in a way that raises a “red flag” about the test-taker’s attitudes are reproduced in the report, along with his or her answer, and specific suggestions about how to use the information in the Results Report to help this person be a productive and reliable employee are included.

The results are verified by our unique Reality√ Technology which analyzes and corrects the degree to which a test-taker tries too hard to “look good.”  You can be sure that the Results Report detects and corrects the test-taker's attempts to answer questions only in a positive way!

For less than $10 per person, you can begin immediately to include objective, job-relevant, and valid information in your selection and hiring process for all of your industrial and semi-skilled employees.